Monday, February 18, 2013


If you go into any major bookstore, usually the largest number of books that you find are Self-Help or Self-Improvement books.  Most bookstore owners will tell you that this section is one of the most if not THE most popular sections in their store and that these books fly off the shelf. 

I recently browsed through the Self-Improvement section of books at both Barnes and Noble and Books-A-Million and here were a few of the titles of popular Self-Help books I found… 

Overcoming Childhood Trauma
Prozac Nation:  Young and Depressed in America
How to Stay Sane
Healing Your Emotional Self: A Powerful Program to Help You Raise Your Self-Esteem, Quiet Your Inner Critic, and Overcome Your Shame
Stopping the Pain: A Workbook for Teens Who Cut and Self Injure
Grief Therapy
The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook
Healing Thoughts for Troubled Hearts

Now what should this tell us?  What do we learn from the titles of these best-selling books?  We learn that the majority of people in our world today, whether they want to admit it or not, know deep down that something is not right with us and with the world around us.  That is why books like Prozac Nation and How to Stay Sane are best sellers. 

People know, deep down that something is off—something is not right with us and with the world around us.  People know that there is something ruined and wrecked in our world and even in us that needs fixing.  Well, God provides answers for us in His word—he tells us why things are not right with us and with the world around us and He also gives us the solution.  First we learn from His word that we live in a broken world and that we as people are broken as well, but we also learn that a solution has been provided in the person of Jesus.