Monday, February 11, 2013


Though there are four Gospel books in Scripture, each written with different perspectives and intended for different audiences—each tell of one story.  There are not four separate Gospels.  The story of the person and work of Christ—the good news of the Lord Jesus is a singular message and each writer writes for the same reason. 

Their reason for writing is not to give a biographical account of Jesus’ life.  In fact, as one reads through these books they find that each of the writers leave out a great deal from Christ’s life.  Though we have accounts of His birth in two of the four books and one mention of his childhood in Luke, each writer spends the majority of their time giving details of Jesus ’earthly ministry in his 30s, just a few years before His death.  Why?  Because these books are written for redemptive reasons.  

Each of these books gives us a detailed account of the extraordinary lengths God has gone to save sinners.  They discuss Jesus’ incarnation, his earthly life, his mighty acts and his suffering, death and resurrection to give readers a saving knowledge of God.