Monday, February 17, 2014

"Quote" of the Week

“Many people believe that theological study holds little value.  They say, “I don’t need theology; I just need to know Jesus.”  Yet theology is unavoidable for every Christian.  It is our attempt to understand the truth that God has revealed to us—something every Christian does.  So it is not a question of whether we are going to engage in theology; it is a question of whether our theology is sound or unsound.  It is important to study and learn because God has taken great pains to reveal Himself to His people.  He gave us a book, one that is not meant to sit on a shelf pressing dried flowers, but to be read, searched, digested, studied, and chiefly to be understood.”  -R.C. Sproul 

Sproul, R.C.  Everyone’s a Theologian:  An Introduction to Systematic Theology.  Ligonier Ministries:  Sanford, Florida.  2014.  12