Monday, February 17, 2014

It is impossible to know how to please God without an adequate and developing understanding of Scripture. Therefore, knowing biblical doctrine is required for maturing in the faith — it is necessary for true spiritual adulthood. At the same time, we must always remember that mere knowledge is insufficient for spiritual maturity. Satan, after all, has an intellectual knowledge of God and His Word (Matt. 4:1–11; James 2:19), but he is anything but spiritually mature. 

More than just a mental grasp of the content of biblical theology is needed, for spiritual maturity only comes as we receive the Word in our hearts and allow it to transform us through the power of the Holy Spirit. Only the Spirit can give us the willingness and the ability to respond to divine revelation in this manner (John 3:1–14).  Still, because spiritual maturity requires theological study, there can be no growth without it.