Monday, January 2, 2012

As you well know this is the time of the year when people are looking back over the previous year and evaluating what they have done well and what needs improvement.  It’s also a time to look ahead and set new goals and make new resolutions for the upcoming year.  One thing you will notice on TV and in magazines at this time of year is that we are given a lot of suggestions on what these resolutions should be.  For example, you will often see articles in magazines or segments on TV with personal trainers, dietitians, and financial advisers giving us advice on the resolutions we should make when it comes to exercise, nutrition and money management. 
Though it’s wise to make and honor these kinds of resolutions, there are also commitments that God calls us to make in His word.   One such commitment is found in Matthew 6:33.  Jesus says,

Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

Jesus tells us here that God’s people are to be the type of people who seek first the Kingdom of God.  The Kingdom of God can be simply defined as the rule and reign of God in the lives of His people.  So to seek first the kingdom is to live your life under the guidance and direction of God—to live under His rule and His reign. 
Jesus says that if we would prioritize our relationship with God over everything else--if we would make that priority number one in our life then everything else—all secondary things would fall into place.  Take time this week to evaluate your priorities to see if you need to reprioritize your life so that you are putting first things first—so that you are living first and foremost under the guidance and direction of God.