of the big problems that happens with Bible reading and Bible study today is
that people, if they read it, only read it for themselves. They say, “How does this relate to me and
only me?” Though
the Bible is supposed to relate to us as individuals, the bigger question we
need to ask when reading God’s word is, “How do the Scriptures relate to me
within the context of the local church?”
It’s very important that this be our perspective because so much of the Bible is written to God’s people and is meant to be read and shared collectively. So as we study Scriptures instead of asking, “How does this relate to me and only me,” ask, “How does this relate to me within the context of the local church?”
It’s very important that this be our perspective because so much of the Bible is written to God’s people and is meant to be read and shared collectively. So as we study Scriptures instead of asking, “How does this relate to me and only me,” ask, “How does this relate to me within the context of the local church?”