Monday, December 27, 2010




Many today criticize Christians for saying that our Country was founded as a Christian nation and argue that the founders of this country wanted a purely nonspiritual and secular country. Anne Gaylor, the President of the Freedom From Religion Foundation says, “America has never been a Christian Nation.”


We would not have our nation the way it is today nor would we be governed the way we are were it not for Christianity.


Though there are some who hate the very mention idea that America was founded as a Christian nation the facts of History are not easily dismissed though often times ignored.

Numerous historians believe that Calvin has made the greatest—certainly not the sole, but the greatest contribution to American liberty, government, economics and education. Though just a humble Reformer from Geneva, Switzerland, his principles taken from the very word of God are believed to be the same principles that have made our country great. German historian Leopold von Ranke said, “John Calvin was virtually the founder of America.” French historian Hippolyte Taine said concerning the Calvinists, “These men are the true heroes of England…they founded Scotland; they founded the United States.” Lastly, One of America’s great historians, George Bancroft, who wrote a 10 volume History of the United States of America called Calvin simply “the father of America” and added: “He who will not honor the memory and respect the influence of Calvin knows but little of the origin of American liberty.”

During the time of the revolution, it is estimated that of the 3 million people who lived in colonial America, there were 900,000 Scots or Scots Irish, who are the founders of the American Presbyterian Church, 600,000 Puritan English, and 400,000 German or Dutch Reformed. All of these groups had their roots in the Reformed Church movement which claims John Calvin as its founder. So were it not for Calvin, there would not be these groups and were it not for these groups, most importantly the Presbyterians, The American Revolution would not have happened the way it did.

Not only were these groups formed because of Calvin, but also their convictions which led to the Revolution stemmed from Calvin’s teachings. The Presbyterians because of Calvin’s influence were very outspoken against oppressive and monarchial government. This explains why they were the first religious body to declare openly and publicly a separation from England in 1775?

The Presbyterians were also extremely influential in the Revolution of 1776. So much so that the event was actually referred to as the Presbyterian Rebellion in England. One passionate supporter of King George III who resisted the Revolution wrote the following words: “I fix all of the blame for these extraordinary proceedings upon the Presbyterians.

And this only scratches the surface of our Nation’s Christian Heritage. We do not even have time to get into discussing the founding fathers and how they and other members of Congress were greatly influenced by the Christian faith.

Just consider the quote by Patriot Patrick Henry when he said, “It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ!” Also consider the slogan adopted by supporters of the American Revolution that said, “NO KING BUT KING JESUS.”



Many today believe and teach that religion and science are not compatible. They say you cannot be both a person of faith and science.

Many also believe that as ones knowledge of the natural world increases what results is the erosion of religion.


John Calvin once compared the Bible—God’s special revelation—to glasses that must put on if one is to correctly see and understand the world. Unfortunately many today in science have thrown away these glasses and have chosen to explain the world apart from the existence of a personal God. But though many modern scientists reason in this way, did you know that were it not for Jesus, Modern Science as we know it would not be.


Scripture is clear that understanding our world doesn’t lessen ones belief in God, it affirm and strengthens it. Psalm 19:1-2 says, “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge.” Paul also says in Romans 1:20, “(God’s) invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made.”

Although science began 6 hundred years before Christ with the Greek Philosophers, these philosophers did not attempt to change anything in the natural world. They just wanted to understand it. Their philosophy was, “The world is not meant to be changed or to be used—just meant to be understood.”

It was not until, the time of the reformation that that changed. It was in fact Christians during this time who used the observations of these Greek philosophers to make changes to the natural world, which birthed modern science.

Some of the greatest pioneers of science were committed Christians who believed in a rational God who created a rational world. For example, Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) viewed science simply as, “Thinking God’s Thoughts After Him.” What he meant by this is that when a scientist is engaged in the study of nature, what he is looking for are the laws that God has set up. Another godly pioneer of science was Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) who once wrote, “Faith tells us what senses cannot, but it is not contrary to their findings.” Also, Isaac Newton (1642-1727) said, “This most beautiful system of the sun, planets, and comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being.”

So were it not for Christ, modern science as we know it would not be.



Many have argued that Christians have done more to hurt people than help them. Atheist’s like Bertrand Russell say that the only contributions that Christians have made to humanity is human misery. He writes, “The views of traditional Christianity promote insanity, disease and cruelty.”


In short, without Christ, there would be fewer hospitals, not many if any facilities that care for all people, medicine would not be as widespread, there would be many more deadly diseases and healthcare would be lacking a key component, which is compassion.


Christianity has made significant contributions in the area of health and medicine.

Prior to the influence of Christ, we find that in some cultures there were only a few places for the sick. For example, in ancient Rome there were military hospitals for Roman Soldiers, but they did not care for everybody.

That all changed with Christianity. In the 4th century, there was an important church council that met and decided that Hospitals were to be established alongside churches and throughout history we see this trend continue.

In the US, before hospitals, Christians began starting what are known as almshouses, which were refuge centers for the poor and sick. Later, came some of the first hospitals also started in large part by Christians. One of these was the Pennsylvania Hospital started in Philadelphia in 1751.

Christianity has also given rise to nursing care. Christian Florence Nightingale is considered to be the founder of modern nursing. Her influence came from Lutheran pastor Theodor Fliedner (1800-1864) who founded the first nursing school.

In 1860, she followed in her mentor’s footsteps by opening her own school—the Nightingale School for Training Nurses at St. Thomas Hospital in London and this act is said to be the beginning of modern nursing.

Also without Christ we would also be without the influence of Henry Dunant (1828-1910) who was a Swiss banker, humanitarian, and devout Christian who founded the Red Cross. This organization with its roots in the Christian faith has served to save the lives of millions. So were it not for Christianity, there would be no Red Cross.

We would also be without the input of Louis Pasteur. In the area of medicine and health, we live with the positive effects of his work to this day. His research into bacteriology gave rise to sterilization and the development of vaccines against many deadly diseases including rabies, diphtheria, and anthrax.

Not only was Pasteur a brilliant scientist, he was also a devout Christian. In a biography on his life, his biographer writes, “Absolute faith in God and in eternity were feelings which pervaded (Pasteur’s) whole life.”

Medical Missions has also served to improve the health of people groups around the world. To this very day, tens of thousands of Christian missionaries are providing basic medical services to millions of people in the Third World.

Christians have also constructed tens of thousands of hospitals all over the world. Even in the most remote jungles—there are hospitals that have been built to provide care to lepers, to the blind, to the deaf, and to the crippled of every sort.

So were it not for Christ, we would not be where we are today in the field of health and medicine.


But of all the issues discussed, none are more important than this final one. While the others dealt with culture, country and the world as a whole, this one deals with the individual. If Jesus had never been born, what would that mean for us as individuals?


Many today believe and teach that what is truly life changing and liberating is coming to the realization that God doesn’t exist and that there is no need for Christ.


In the nineteenth century, Charles Bradlaugh, a prominent atheist, challenged a Christian man named Hugh Price Hughes, to a debate on the existence of God. Hughes told Bradlaugh that he would agree to the debate on one condition. He says, “I propose to you that we each bring evidences of our beliefs in the form of men and women whose lives have been changed for the better due to our system of belief. He said, “I will bring 100 such men and women, and I challenge you to do the same.”

Hughes then said that if Bradlaugh couldn’t find 100, then he could bring 50 and if he could not find 50 then he could bring 20 and he finally whittled the number down to one. All Bradlaugh had to do was find one person whose life had been improved by atheism—Bradlaugh finally withdrew!

I believe if a debate like this were offered today, it would have similar results. Paul affirms this by saying, “If all we have is hope in this life only, we are to be pitied.”

Bottom line, without Christ there is no significant improvement in human life.


Because of the person and work of Christ there have been countless numbers of lives that have been changed for the better.

There was Zacchaeus a dishonest and greedy tax collector who after his encounter with Christ became a generous man. There was also Mary Magdalene who had a questionable reputation and was demon possessed, but after encountering Christ the Scriptures tell us that she left a life of sin and followed Him. She was also the first person to see Him after His resurrection.

You also have Paul who was adamantly opposed to Christ and his followers who made it his business to find and arrest Christians and was even an accomplice to the murder of Stephen who was a faithful follower of Christ.

When Paul encountered the risen Christ everything changed. He went from being greatest enemy of Christ, to being His greatest supporter and went on to make the biggest impact for him in all of history.


The story of Christ changing hearts and lives also goes far beyond the pages of Scripture with men like Augustine of Hippo. He was a brilliant philosopher who early in life was critical of the Christian faith. Not only was he a skeptic, but was as immoral as anyone. Looking back, Augustine said of himself, “The evil in me was foul, but I loved it.”

He had a mother who was a committed Christian who longed for him to commit his life to Christ and continually prayed and pleaded for his conversion. God eventually answered her prayers and Augustine eventually surrendered his life to Christ and became one of the most gifted theologians in all of history.


Before salvation and writing one of the most famous hymns ever, Newton worked in the slave trade. It was said of him, “His livelihood was earned on a ship that traded human cargo.” He said of himself, “I sinned with a high hand and made it my study to tempt and seduce others.” God eventually did a great work in his heart and life and he was transformed by God’s grace. Newton not only wrote the hymn “Amazing Grace,” but knew firsthand what God’s amazing grace was all about.


Early in life, after the death of his mother, Lewis became an atheist. However, as he continued to read from Christian authors like George MacDonald and G.K. Chesterton and because of the influence of friends like Christian J.R.R. Tolkien, Lewis eventually surrendered his life to the Lord.

After coming to Christ, he became one of the greatest Christian writers in all of history. His classic “Mere Christianity” is still widely used today by many apologists as a defense for the Christian faith.

And to this day, human lives are being transformed by the grace of God. Though many have tried to take the Christian faith to task on a number of issues, life change is tough to dispute. They find it difficult to explain how murders become men of God, how wicked slave traders become worshipful songwriters, how atheists become apologists.

Believers have the answer from God’s word. Lives are change because of the person and work of Christ. So without Christ lives would remain unchanged.


Without Christ hope is lost—not just when it comes to the value of human life, Mercy and Compassion, Education, Ethics and Morality, Government, Science, Health and Medicine, but more importantly because of the fact that without him, lives remain unchanged, because without Christ there is no chance at being made right with God and transformed by His grace.

Had God not sent Christ and had Christ refused to empty self by taking on flesh and dwelling among us and had He not been obedient to the point of a painful death on a shameful cross, we would all be dead in our sins waiting to stand in judgment before a Holy and Just God.

But Christ did come and came to save sinners and the changing power of God through Christ that has been transforming hearts and lives of people throughout history is the same transforming power that is available today for anyone who will trust in Christ alone for salvation.