Monday, March 22, 2010

*Be a friend
As is true in witnessing to others, Muslims do not care about how much you know until they know how much you care.

*Be Humble
Do not have a spiritual chip on your shoulder and speak down to them. If you do you will erect an unnecessary barrier if you approach the Muslim with an implied superiority.

*Be Prayerful
Pray that a Muslim would see the futility of trying to live a life good enough to earn God’s favor. Talk about the wonderful grace of God and how God has offered salvation as a free gift for those who are trusting in Christ for their salvation (Ephesians 2:8-9)

*Don’t Create Unnecessary Barriers
Refrain from saying disdainful things about Muhammad and the Quran. Focus instead on the good things about Jesus, what He did at the cross, and the Bible.

*Use the Bible Extensively
They might try and argue that the Bible has been corrupted. Be ready to demonstrate why you trust the Bible’s accuracy. Knowing God’s Word goes along way with some Muslims.

*Use the Quran
Show them that the God they know distantly in the Quran they can know more fully in Jesus Christ. The Quran enjoins every true Muslim to believe in and honor all the prophets of God. Therefore, urge the Muslim to consider the truth-claims of Jesus Christ.

*Emphasize Jesus
Respectfully mention the Quran’s affirmation that Jesus was sinless and all-righteous (Surahs 3:45, 49; 4:158), whereas Muhammad was exhorted in the Quran to seek forgiveness for his faults (Surahs 16:61; 40:55; 42:5, 30; 47:19, 48:1-2.) Use that as a launch-pad to talk about how Jesus was our sinless substitute who died on the cross on our behalf (2 Corinthians 5:19-21).

*Emphasize Submission
“Islam” means “Submission.” Emphasize that Jesus submitted in going to the cross for the sins of humankind, making possible a free gift of salvation for those who believe in Him.

*Emphasize Relationships
Help your Muslim friend understand that Christianity is not just a religion but in fact hinges entirely on a personal relationship with Jesus Christ (1 John 1:3). Be sure to give your testimony regarding how Jesus Christ has changed your life forever. Be aware that if your Muslim friend turns to Christ, he will face pressure from Muslim friends and family members. He or she will need your support.