"It’s not always a sin to be angry. There are appropriate
times to feel and express anger. Yet, many times people tell us that we
shouldn’t feel that way about the wrongs we’ve suffered. This type of counsel
is both unbiblical and unhelpful.
God has a long wick and is slow to anger. But we are told
throughout the Bible that God does get angry in response to sin…Righteous anger
is the right response to sin. This is a far more consistent response with the
character of God than faking happiness, approval, or acceptance. The Bible, on
many occasions, gives us examples of human anger that is justified. This is why
Paul didn’t say, 'Don’t be angry,' but rather, said, 'Be angry, and do not
Paul accepted anger as a legitimate emotional response to
sin. But he also warned us to be careful not to accept or empower anger that
comes from our own sin. Instead, he said, we should harness the energy of our
anger toward righteousness rather than letting it fuel our descent into clamor,
slander, and malice."