Monday, January 6, 2014


When little babies first learn to walk they are pretty awkward aren't they? Not being mean, just honest. They fall down a lot, it takes them a while to figure out they have joints so they often walk around stiff legged and can’t get anywhere too quickly. But their little bodies don’t stay that way, do they? They eventually grow and mature and function properly.

In Ephesians 4, Paul explains that the church is to be doing the same thing. Though the church is often referred to as the “Body of Christ,” right now at present many of our churches are not being the body very well. In fact, we could all be the body better. Many churches, like a toddler, lack maturity and are not functioning properly. Paul says what we are to be doing in response is growing in godliness individually and collectively so that we can better represent our head—the Lord Jesus.

If we as a church body would make a commitment to gather together for the purpose of getting equipped to grow in Christ, then we will be a better body.  We will start worshiping God better, connecting better and will become unified and mature together.