Monday, July 20, 2009

If one were to ask why it is important to read the Bible, a simple but accurate response would be that it teaches us who God is, what He does, and what He requires of us. Although the first two responses are essential, without the last, a person is left without purpose and guidance. According to A.W. Pink, "God has given us His Word not only with the design of instructing us, but for the purpose of directing us: to make known what He requires us to do" (71).


1) We know we have profited from the Word when we discover God's demands He has placed upon His people.

The greatest command that God ever gave us is found in Deuteronomy 6:5. Moses wrote that we are to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, and might. This is the key to a god-honoring life.

2) We know we have profited from the Word when we realized how short we have fallen from meeting God's commands.

The problem with the Pharisees of Jesus' day was that they misunderstood the purpose of the law. They thought that by keeping it salvation was attained. The intent of the Law is to show that man is incapable of being made right with God apart from God's help. Pink affirms, "No man can see what a sinner he is, how infinitely short he has fallen of measuring up to God's standard, until he has a clear sight of the exalted demands of God upon him" (72).

3) We know we have profited from the Word when we are taught that God has fully provided for His people by meeting His own demands.

Although we have sinned against the one true God and have been separated from Him, God demonstrated His love for sinners by sending Christ to live the perfect life we could never live and die as our substitute and perfect sacrifice. Pink explains, "Christ has vicariously met every demand of God upon all who believe upon Him. (He) has (also) vicariously satisfied for His people the requirements of God's righteousness" (73).

4) We know we have profited from the Word when we not only see it as our duty to obey, but when there is a love in us for His commandments.

Psalm 1:1-2 says, "Blessed is the man...(whose) delight is in the law of the Lord." Pink asks, "Do I really value His 'commandments' as much as I do His promises? Ought I not to do so? Assuredly, for the one proceeds as truly from His love as does the other" (75).

5) We know we have profited from the Word when our hearts and wills are yielded to all God's commandments.

We cannot pick and choose the commands we delight in. Partial obedience is no obedience at all. According to Pink, "If we do not sincerely desire to please God in all things, then we do not truly wish to do so in anything" (76). The Psalmist said, "I shall not be put to shame, having my eyes fixed on all your commandments"(Ps. 119:6).

Pink, A.W. Profiting from the Word. Carlisle, Pennsylvania: The Banner of Truth Trust. 1977. 69-79.