Monday, January 5, 2009

For the most part, our society claims to be a tolerant one. We have basic human rights; one of those being that each individual has a right to choose from any number of belief systems.

Many in this society have raised the red flag of intolerance toward evangelicals because of their exclusivist teachings. According to author Ron Rhodes, “Certainly if tolerance means ‘be kind, considerate, and loving to people,’ then Christians can and should agree without hesitation” (17). In response, however, if tolerance means that we should compromise core biblical doctrine, then Christians should, in turn, disagree without reservation.

The irony is that those pointing the finger are truly the narrow-minded ones. Rhodes affirms, “Those making the accusations are the truly intolerant ones in our midst. They claim to be tolerant of the beliefs of all people but are unbendingly intolerant of Christians who love Jesus” (18).

I have recently been teaching the youth of Fellowship Bible Church about differing belief systems within our culture. Last night we spoke generally about cults. I shared with the youth that it is not intolerant to label cults as "anti-Christian" if their followers claim to be Christian, but teach a message that is counter to Scripture. For example, how would vegans feel if one from their group taught that it is acceptable for vegetarians to eat meat?

Below I have listed several general characteristics of cults that demonstrate how their beliefs and practices differ with the core doctrines of the Christian faith. This outline I used can be found in Dr. Stan May’s (Professor of Missions at Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary) notes on The World Religions.



They add to the Word of God
- By their own publications
- By their “Bible,” and/or
- Progressive Revelation

Biblical Response:
Every word of God proves true; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. Do not add to his words, lest he rebuke you and you be found a liar. Proverbs 30:5-6

- They take away from deity of Jesus Christ.

Biblical Response:
In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God…And the word became flesh and dwelt among us. John 1:1, 14

- They take away major doctrines of the Bible (For example, most if not all teach man to be inherently good.)

Biblical Response:
As it is written: there is none righteous no not one. Romans 3:10
For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23

- They multiply the requirements of salvation (All cults add works to salvation).

Biblical Response:
For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. Ephesians 2:8-9

- They divide loyalty between the cult leader, the organization and God.

Biblical Response:
You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God. Exodus 20:3

No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. Matthew 6:24

Rhodes, Ron. The Challenge of the Cults. Grand Rapids: Zondervan. 2001.