Monday, November 17, 2008


Everyone has a unique view of the world that has been shaped by culture. This view determines how one understands the Gospel of Jesus Christ when it is presented. That is why it is essential for believers to become knowledgeable of differing belief systems when sharing Christ with others. The youth of Fellowship Bible Church in Fort Smith are learning about the major world religions and cults so they can properly communicate the Gospel message to people who have dissimilar beliefs and practices.

Yesterday we discussed Buddhism. When giving suggestions for evangelism, I shared with the youth a major point made by author and editor Dean C. Halverson. He asserts that Christians have to find common ground with Buddhists. Finding common ground involves reaching an agreement without compromising the truth of Scripture. For example, Buddhism teaches that desire causes suffering. Christians can also affirm that suffering can be caused by desire, but that not all desire is wrong. Jesus said, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled” (Matthew 5:6). According to Halverson, “The issue is having right desire, not eliminating desire” (61).

Christians can also agree with Buddhists that discipline is necessary although the two disagree on why it is necessary. Buddhism is a “works-based” religion that teaches one can only achieve enlightenment by saying and doing only that which is required and through monastic living. Christianity is “grace-based,” which means that one is saved by grace through faith in Christ alone. Christianity, however, does teach that God’s people are to discipline themselves spiritually after conversion. Paul affirms that Christians are to “…discipline (themselves) for the purpose of godliness” (1Timothy 4:7).

There are also bridges of understanding that can be built for Buddhists by believers. The Mahayana Buddhists have bodhisattvas who have refused nirvana to assist others in achieving enlightenment. It is believed that they can transfer their merit to others who place their faith and trust in them. Believers can use this concept to communicate the truth of who Jesus is and what he has done. Buddhists need to learn that if they trust in Christ for salvation, they can be forgiven of sin, have Christ’s imputed righteousness and be restored to a right relationship with God.

Halverson, Dean C. The Illustrated Guide to World Religions. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1996. pp. 49-64.